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Compassionate Professional Care | Cold Laser Therapy | Experienced Caring Staff

Compassionate Professional Care
Cold Laser Therapy
Experienced Caring Staff

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Preventatives a.k.a Parasiticides

We recommend that all pets be on preventatives for heartworm and tick-borne diseases. They are expensive, but cheaper than treatment if they get a disease and potentially life-saving. They are expensive but the client can buy a year at a time and save money (via rebates). See GREENLINE REBATES for that info.

Our doctor prefers Boehringer Ingelheim’s products for efficacy and safety.
There are many others out there with pros and cons to all. In the clinic, we sell:

Heartgard Plus is a monthly chewable given year-round. 

Nexgard is a monthly chewable that SHOULD be given all year because we live in a high-risk area but some owners choose not to give it in the winter assuming no bugs ticks can live in -40 degrees.

Nexgard Plus is a combo of the 2 above given in ONE chew. Easy for clients and the pet gets constant protection. 

Other choices can be purchased via our online website: MyVetStoreOnline accessible on our website. For instance when a pet has allergies to the ingredients in Heartgard.

A yearly annual exam is required (like for any med) to dispense. 
A 4DX test (a simple blood test to check for several diseases) is required for the PLUS choices. Why? If they have contracted heartworms, the medicine would kill off the adult worms which will clog up arteries. So, we want to detect it (or they can die) prior to continuing the medicine. The test is usually done at the annual exam and vaccine appointment. Due to expense some clients only purchase one or a few at a time. If a client wants to purchase HG+ or NG+ we must check the pet’s dashboard for when the pet had its 4dx test and when it will be due again. We can only sell them enough to last until the next test. Ex. I want to buy a 6 pack but the 4DX test is due in 2 months. I can only sell them 2 chewables. They can purchase more at the appointment.

EXCEPT FOR PUPPIES…Since these products are dosed by weight and puppies grow rapidly, we don’t sell them a lot at once. And they don’t get a 4DX test until 1 year old. We have them weigh in and pick up the correct size. Since there is a weight range we can sell them a few til the pet is expected to move up a level. We can estimate based on breed how large they will likely get. We cannot take back any purchased items.

Clients ask why they need to use flea & tick preventative if they are vaccinated (for example, for Lyme disease).

No product (including vaccines) is 100% guaranteed. B.I. has an excellent guarantee that covers the cost of treatment if the pet has consistently been on preventatives and still contracted the illness. 

They only do so if the product was purchased through a vet clinic (i.e. don’t buy online- preventatives are the number one fake/black-marketed product on Amazon and you cannot tell the difference by the box).

We do not recommend flea collars but if a client insists, Seresto is currently the best choice.

We are called by a panicked parent who forgot to give their pet a dose by a day or two. It doesn’t stop working instantly, they just need to go ahead and give it. If it has been a while though, Dr may recommend testing them. 

For Reliable Parasiticides Products

Call us today!

(920) 743-7789

(920) 743-7789

What a great office staff and Vet! I am so happy Trixie was fit in the busy schedule. The prescribed meds worked well and the little stinker has made a nice recovery from acute pancreatitis. Dr. Billett explained the condition thoroughly and confidently and had the best bedside manner. Thank you for taking such good care of a difficult situation.

- Steve H.

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